Sunday, February 25, 2018

Dark Paranormal Fantasy Books.

           I was playing in a game.
            Sitting on top of this mountain, when an Idea hit me.
Well a story really.
Here you will find such a tale.
I hope you enjoy.

Arkadia A Druid's Tale.

Draven the Dark Lord, Master of Evil Intent, Master of Deception...................

Can he be stopped by a young druid with just her few animals and friends? He has loosed a plague upon the land that is slowly killing all that it touches. Will she reach her goal in time to save her world from destruction? Or will Draven rule Arkadia with the same ruthless evil as he rules the Underdepths? 

Arkadia the Dark Mist Legend.

A young druid is beseeches to save her world from evil that plagues it, yet she does not know how. 
Young Athinia must find away to save her world of Arkadia, from the dark mist that Draven the Dark Lord has set loose upon her world and is now spreading rashly across its land, killing every living thing in its wake. 
With her animal friends, and the companions she has met along the way, they set out to complete the task that was set upon her, yet she finds her ‘Becoming’ has changed and the world of Arkadia is in more danger from the Dark Lord and its Mist. Now the Dark Mist is covering most of Arkadia and spreading its disease. 
With the trials and tribulations they have to face, will young Athinia and her trusted companions be able to stop it? What if happens if she does succeed? 

What if she fails?
A Dream All Her Own.

A small town taken by men who think a woman should be model perfect. 
Yet the men of the MC and Reservation find all women equally beautiful. 
When the leader of the MC and Reservation find the one woman meant for them beaten so badly by the BDSM owners, they set out to take the town. 

Will they be able to save the woman of their dreams from the violence she faces or will they lose yet another girl to this ring of men who think they are the Masters of a BDSM club and the town.

One Fine Morning, In a Town All Its Own.

After seeing her husband kill her only friend, Athinia picks up and moves to the mountains of Montana.
She never thought to keep her move secret from the world. 
So when her ex-husband shows up on the mountain, she once again has to escape.
What she does not know is that they have been watching her from the time she arrived.
When she shows up at farm battered and half dead, the community bands together to keep her safe. 

The unsuspecting men that have followed her to her new life do not know that their small community has a deadly secret.

A Halfbreeds Life.

Coming Soon.

Dark Paranormal Fantasy Books.

           I was playing in a game.             Sitting on top of this mountain, when an Idea hit me. Well a story really. Here you w...